A Milspouse Survey Kinda Thing

24 March 2011

Found this survey via Every Day Life of an Air Force Wife and thought it’d be fun to do…

1. How long have you been a military wife? In total of 1st & current marriage 11 years.

2. What branch of service is your husband? Army

3. Active/Reserve? Active

4. What is his job? Field Artillery but used as Grunt

5. How many deployments have you gone through? 2.5 kinda. 2 during 1st marriage. Kinda half of Dirt Diver's since we emailed regularly during it but we weren't dating at the time. He is supposed to be deployed right now but with the surgery he was pushed back but now should be gone soon.

6. ACU's or Class A's on your man? ACU's

7. What do you like about being a military wife? I can sit on my tush eating bonbon's while popping out more children for tax payers to take care. LOL No seriously the adventure of never knowing what is going to happen every day, week, month or year while he's serving.

8. Do you live on base? Yes, it's cramped but we make it work. One of these days housing will realize that a child sleeping in a walkin closet doesn't count as a bedroom and move us.

9. What is your favorite base so far? It's a 3 way tie between 29Pams, cA / Camp Lejeune, NC / San Diego Naval Base

10. What's the hardest part of the military life? The petty BS politics that are played during promotions. When having an issue with the next in command the crap they give if you try to ICE or jump the chain just to get someone to do their job.

11. Do you go to the grocery store or commissary? I use both. The commissary here is only good for meats and that is about it. Everything else I can find cheaper at Walmart since I buy a lot of stuff generic.

12. Do you work or stay at home? Both. I work from home full time as a Social Media Moderator plus take care of the house and kids. I also still do backup care for other FCC providers in the area. But thankfully with the last job I can be very very picky about when I work and who I work for now.

13. Do you have a lot of military wife friends? I have a couple but I do not go out and hang out as much as I used to. With work and the family, my time is consumed. Add in the fact that as of right now he’s still Rear D so the wives I know who’s husbands are gone don’t talk to me as much and the wives who’s husbands are stationed with the other unit that’s not deployable stick to themselves because that unit is preparing to do a base transfer this summer.

14. Do you prefer Walmart or the PX/BX/MCX/NEX? Oh shoot neither. They all get in me in trouble. I wish the PX would go back to what it used to be when I was a kid. They used to be like Walmart and you could actually SAVE when shopping there.

15. How did your husband propose? He took ‘Tater, Lil t’, and me to the place he took ‘Tater and I for our 1st date, Balboa Park. Yes our first date was with 1 of the kids. We walked around and then sat down at the Organ Pavilion watching other couples get their wedding pictures taken while listening to a local orchestra practice. ‘Tater said she had to go to the bathroom so Dirt Diver took her with Lil ‘t for me. Next thing I know Lil ‘t comes up and says “mommy will you…” while holding out an empty ring box and then ‘tater chimed in “marry Dirt Diver?” as she held out her hand with my engagement ring on her finger. He asked the kids weeks before if they would let him marry me. :

16. Did you marry him after he joined or before? After he had already had almost 2 yrs in the Navy when we got married.

17. How long have you been together? 7 years November 21st, 2004

18. Any kids yet?  Way too many lol. 2 kids between us, then I have 3 children before we met. In total though 4 live with us while 1 of mine lives with his dad.

19. Any kids yet to come? We used to want more but I think we’ve finally hit a point were we are okay with us being done. It stinks though because I LOVE absolutely LOVE being pregnant too.

20. Is your husband one of those "I am a soldier hear me HOOAH" kind of guys? He can at times but only if he’s having a good day. Thankfully not too often though. But he does say “Hooah” instead of yes all the friggen time.

21. Have you ever done combatives with your husband? Yes that’s how he got his Gangrene Medal and I how I always end up hurt.

22. How many bases have you lived at? 4

23. If you could change one thing about the military? Oh man there is not enough things to change. But they are petty for the most part. There is ALWAYS room for improvement. But right now the one that is bothering me the most is allowing FRG’s here to fundraise without having to pay a percentage to our MWR.

24. Do you like military balls? Absolutely LOVE them! It’s the ONE time a year that I get to dress up like a princess, get my hair and nails done, and have a fun with the hubs.  

25. Where does your family live? All around now. I’m originally from Poway, CA but I call Coos Bay, OR my home. I really think if we can find some farm land there when it comes time to retire we will end up there. Almost all of Dirt Diver’s immediate family live there and I don’t see any of them ever leaving anytime soon either.

26. What do you do for a job? Didn’t I just answer this above? Lol Maybe I’m loosing my mind. Wait nope I did. See above please.

27. Have you ever gotten in a fight with an NCO's wife? Physically? No. Verbally? Yes and would do it again when the heffer tries to mess with my family and kids again.

28. Name one thing you do when your husband is gone? Eat Ben & Jerry’s for dinner

29. Do you think other wives do that too? Yes or at least I hope so!

1 Voices:

Unknown said...

Ah the joys of being a milspouse. Hehe.


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