Wordless Wednesday

10 March 2010

Standing before my fridge I kept saying that we’re out of food. I felt like I was starving to death. But really our fridge is full. And with leaving in 2.5 weeks do I really need to keep hitting the grocery store to restock the little things that are missing? Besides the most important item is right there on the second shelf!

Plus 10 if you can tell me what’s in my butter keeper in the door!

Looking at these shots, I am just an unorganized absolutely no desire to clean it out right now lady. Oh well. The fridge is NOT going to affect the outcome of our lives. At least I don’t think so. Anyone have any stories of an unorganized fridge wrecking havoc on one’s life?

10 Voices:

Jenny said...

my pantry looks like that but not the fridge...but if you are heading out in a couple of weeks...what's the point? that's the way i look at it.

Windthicket Fables said...

Oh, I'm so bad about this too. By the time I get done at the grocery store, I've moved the bags around so many time times that I just want to throw it all in there, shut the door and forget about it!

Marilyn (A Lot of Loves) said...

As long as there's food in there you're doing fine.

Cheryl said...

My problem is I DO forget about it. I put it in, shove something in front of it and it's gone forever...
Happy WW!

Just_Lizzie said...

I'm guessing that's Toby's tranquilizers in the butter keeper? Aren't everyone's? ;o)

Bridgette said...

Mine's not much better!

♥ Brittany Ciara ♥ said...

Our fridge looks close to that at the beginning of the month. By the end of the month, we're lucky to find a bottle of ketchup that actually made it back into the fridge after use. :P Found you on SITS. :)

heather@actingbalanced.com said...

Looks like it's time to live off the largess and see how empty you can make the fridge in 2.5 weeks... then clean it out just before you leave - so much easier :) stopping by from SITS

Unknown said...

I need to figure out what I have too.

Donnetta said...

Most important is definitely on the second shelf! :)

Stopping by from SITS.


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