Army Wife Network's Field Exercise

24 May 2011

Last week I was so happy to finally be able to attend a Army Wife Network Field Exercises: Priceless Package. 

Have you ever been to one? Do you know what it is?

I didn't at all but once I had seen an advertisement for it in the MWR's FB page off I went to read about it.

And holy cow I couldn't wait. It sounded like fun but as the time drew neat for the event I was a little bit nervous worried about how I would fit in, dress, and most importantly would I fall asleep being bored to death.

Of course I didn't want to go alone either because let's face it; going to en event with 150+ spouses and chances of them knowing at least one other person while you go alone is just not fun. It's down right terrifying. So I asked 2 to sign up and go the same day as me.

From the start though I couldn't help but laugh. We did a silly ice breaker that left me thinking I just may be the only person who LOVES Peanut Butter M&M's. Yes for a split second I was heartbroken over that revelation, however I didn't let it get me down and stop going up to random women asking them questions.

For the next 4 hours I laughed, teared up, shook my head in unison, and walked away feeling great knowing I'm not alone in my feelings. Don't you just hate how you convince yourself that you are the ONLY person who is struggling with saying goodbye, hating the military or struggling with keeping your sanity while raising your children? Well now I can remind myself when I'm at the store or sitting at the park amongst other wives, chances of them feeling the same as me is pretty dang good.

Besides the valuable information, amazing gift bags and giveaways were given away.

The bags contained:
  • a free copy of I'm already home... Again written by Elaine Gray Dumler
  • a beautiful journal to write in
  • a water bottle
  • fabulous smelly body bar that my elbows LOVE
  • an great handout that has themed care packages listed out for people like me who can't think past just the box. :)
  • and a LOT more resources

During the giveaways I kept joking with my friends that I never win anything and then the topic of Flat Daddy came up. I couldn't help but joke that I'd get a Flat "Vin Diesel" and take him everywhere I went and that is when I heard my number get called! 

Dirt Diver thinks it's crazy but IF he ever leaves the kids are going to LOVE IT! 

I have to say though the BEST part of the entire thing was this freebie. A couple of my friends INCLUDING Dirt Diver thought it was a pregnancy test. I don't know why it would be with the words "United Concordia" stamped on it. Since when did dental have to do with babies I don't know.

If you haven't been able to attend one I HIGHLY recommend and encourage you to do so. If your post doesn't have one lined up, contact your MWR and have your friends contact them as well to set up an event at your post. I promise you won't regret bringing Star and Tara to your post!

2 Voices:

Unknown said...

Oh I'm so glad you decided to go and that you had a good time. If nothing else, those gift bags look awesome!

So...what is that United Concordia thing anyway??

Star Henderson said...

So glad you had fun girl! You made me laugh when you told me the Vin Diesel idea. We're lucky to have such handsome (and understanding husbands). I joke about making a flat Kenny!

Oh, and that United Concordia "thing" is a toothbrush. Right? I never opened it, but that's what they sent: toothbrush and toothpaste for the deployed soldiers.

See you next time, and thanks for putting the word out about your good time there!


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